Repeat that again! – The serial impulse in art since the 'sixties

Dolly boxes (detail) c.1976
wooden shelves, wooden boxes and plastic dolls
Collection of The University of Queensland, purchased 1979
Rosalie Gascoigne, Licensed by VISCOPY, Australia
30 May – 13 July 2008
The repeated image that has permeated so much of Australian art since the ‘sixties has various forebears: cinema and Edweard Muybridge, Minimalism, Conceptual and Op art, the mechanically reproduced image and Pop art, avant-garde literature, music and performance, and contemporary suburbia.
Repeat that again! shows how artists over the last four decades – from Robert Rooney and Rosalie Gascoigne to Fiona Foley and Xiao Xian Liu – have used repetition and systems to different ends. Artists have revelled in the play of chance within fixed systems; enjoyed the banality of a set task acted out over time; enmeshed the grid with humour and the everyday to deflate pomposity; targeted the copy for its ‘democracy’ and lack of ‘aura’; signalled the multiplicity of digital worlds; invested repeated forms with the body and the politics of a wider world; and, once more, found room for contemplation.
Repetition has also been paramount in the work of Australia’s Indigenous artists; the work of Dorothy Napangardi and George Tjungurrayi here embeds long-practiced traditions within canvases of dazzling opticality. This exhibition – by no means a definitive survey – highlights how vital repetition and serial imagery have been, and continue to be, for Australian artists.
Curator: Michele Helmrich