My Humvee (Inversion therapy)

My Humvee (Inversion therapy) 2008
wood, automotive enamel paint and aluminium
overall, 500 x 210 x 180 cm
Collection of The University of Queensland. Gift of the Melbourne Art Fair Foundation, 2008.
Courtesy of the artist and Tolarno Galleries, Melbourne
4 September 2008 – 2011
My Humvee (Inversion therapy) by Peter Hennessey is an over-sized, highly detailed rendition of a M1025 HMMWV, more commonly known as a Humvee or Hummer. Hennessey has constructed his version of this modern-day military jeep from black painted plywood and balanced it on its nose so that it looms some six metres above the audience.At fi rst glance, the object’s blunt proportions and monochromatic surface lend it a sense of mournful monumentality. However, on closer inspection the towering block resolves into an upturned jeep, the vehicular features disrupting its minimal elegance.
Commissioned for the 2008 Melbourne Art Fair, the work was recently presented to The University of Queensland by the Melbourne Art Fair Foundation.
Peter Hennessey lives and works in Melbourne. His experimental work is largely based on model making and revolves around an investigation into ‘objects that we all know well – but only virtually, through media’. At a time when we are increasingly obsessed with all things virtual, Hennessey wants to explore all things physical. In recent years, he has also investigated the extraordinary products of the space race.