This page provides information to help you plan and enjoy your visit. If you don’t see the information you need or have any questions, please contact our team via phone: (07) 3365 3046 or email us, as we'll be very happy to assist.
View our Disability Action Plan 2023-24 (DAP) (PDF, 440.3 KB). The DAP is also available in a Word version (DOCX, 288.6 KB) and in a large print version (DOCX, 61.3 KB). A printed version is also available at our welcome desk.
Diversity, disability and inclusion at UQ
UQ is committed to building an accessible and welcoming environment for all students and visitors.
From our campus facilities through to academic resources, the University provides a number of services that focus on creating an inclusive environment where all students have the same opportunity to succeed.
COVID-Safe information
We understand this is a particularly vulnerable time for those who are immunocompromised. We’ve put safety measures in place to ensure your visit is COVID safe.
Queensland Government has additional COVID advice for people with a disability and their carers.
Staff training
UQ Art Museum is dedicated to fostering a safe and inclusive space for everyone. Staff in every area of the organisation are encouraged to undertake UQ’s disability and inclusion taining, and our visitor engagement team undertake additional training to help them support our visitors. Staff training is one of our key steps toward creating a genuinely inclusive space at the Art Museum.
To be accountable to our visitors, our visitor engagement team, also known as Mediators, must have the skills, knowledge and confidence to engage visitors inclusively with care and generosity.
Our Mediator training program focuses on diversity awareness, and teaches Mediators to address unconscious bias, build upon their inclusive language and support visitors mindfully.
Banner image: Katie Vida, Shelly (detail), 2019. Installation view, "Don't Be Evil", The University of Queensland Art Museum, 2021. Photo: Glenn Hunt.