Fiona Foley: Forbidden

photography: Dennis Cowley
HHH #1 2004
Ultrachrome print on paper, edition 6/15
76 x 101 cm
Collection of The University of Queensland, purchased 2008
Courtesy of the artist and Andrew Baker Art Dealer, Brisbane
19 February – 2 May 2010
Fiona Foley: Forbidden is the first major exhibition to survey the work of this leading Australian artist. Her diverse artistic practice has, over the past 15 years, encompassed photography, painting, printmaking, sculpture, video, installation and public art. With a history of exhibitions featuring uncompromising titles such as No shades of white and Lick my black art, Foley’s work traces the ongoing significance of Australia’s colonial histories. Individual works explore a broad range of themes that relate to frontier violence, race relations, sexuality, and the history of opium in Queensland.
Fiona Foley: Forbidden is presented by the UQ Art Museum in partnership with the Museum of Contemporary Art, Sydney.
Curators: Michele Helmrich, Rachel Kent and Christine Morrow
Exhibition Tour
- Museum of Contemporary Art, Sydney 12 November 2009 – 31 January 2010
- University of Queensland Art Museum, Brisbane 19 February – 2 May 2010
View 'Forbidden art on show at UQ' here
This project has received financial assistance from the Queensland Government through Arts Queensland