Digital Intimacies #7 now invites abstracts and ideas for sessions for an upcoming symposium. The team welcomes papers across disciplines and approaches that explore the entanglements between our intimate experiences, feelings, affects, bodies and digital media and technologies.
They're open to typical abstracts for papers and sessions, but also encourage experimental and non-traditional sessions. These might be collaborative, platform-specific (e.g. a chat-based session), longer-term collaborations (e.g. a wiki project), or creative experiments that engage with digital intimacies.
Papers are welcome to address and engage with the themes of the Don't Be Evil exhibition (but don’t have to). The Art Museum will host a tour of the exhibition from curator Anna Briers during the symposium.
Papers are due 15 August 2021, with the symposium to be held 6–7 December 2021.
Digital Intimacies #7 is hosted by the School of Communication and Arts. Supported by the Digital Cultures and Societies initiative and UQ Node of the Centre of Excellence for Automated Decision-Making and Society.
What to submit
Abstracts or session outlines of 200-250 words are to be submitted via email to digitalcultures@hass.uq.edu.au
We are open to traditional papers and panels, and also encourage you to think broadly and creatively and submit something you wouldn’t normally present at a symposium. We encourage collaborative and experimental work that helps us to collectively engage with the conference theme and digital intimacies research more broadly.
If you’re unsure or want to discuss your ideas, you’re welcome to email the team at digitalcultures@hass.uq.edu.au
Find out more
Read more about the symposium and the call for papers on the Humanities and Social Sciences website.
You can also find out more about Don’t Be Evil, opening 30 July.