Daniel McKewen, Stop the ride, I don’t want to get off: our digital adolescence, 2021, still from desktop lecture-performance, Digital Intimacies #7 Symposium at The University of Queensland.

Like that cool friend our parents warned us about, we know the Internet’s a bad influence, but we don’t want to stop hanging out. And like adolescence, if we don’t collectively get on track, our future doesn’t look so bright. 

This desktop lecture-performance won’t have any answers. Employing found online images, video and text, it draws together a disparate array of pop-cultural and academic references. As an exploration of digital-adolescence, the performance operates from McKewen’s position as a visual artist-educator-academic – waist-deep in a cultural ocean, alongside a younger generation who are neck-deep and learning to swim, and an older one letting the current take them out to sea.

Please note, this performance is presented as part of the Digital Intimacies #7 symposium. When you join, the previous session may still be underway. Please remain on the Zoom link, as the artist's presentation will commence shortly.

About Digital Intimacies #7: Artistic program

Xanthe Dobbie, Eidolon, 2021, still from desktop performance, with original score by Jorde Heys. Commissioned by Sydney Opera House for Shortwave and screening as part of Digital Intimacies #7 at The University of Queensland.

Liquid Architecture, plus artists Xanthe Dobbie and Daniel McKewen will present online performances as part of the 2021 Digital Intimacies #7 symposium.

This year’s conference is hosted in partnership with UQ Art Museum’s Conflict in My Outlook exhibition series. We hope the conversations throughout the symposium and artworks in the current exhibitions stimulate engagements with how our lives are entangled with digital media, how digital media proliferate and obliterate intimacy, and the back and forth between our kaleidoscopic invention and creation with digital media.

The 2021 Digital Intimacies #7 Symposium is hosted by The University of Queensland's School of Communication and Arts and UQ Art Museum. Supported by the Digital Cultures and Societies Initiative and UQ Node of the Centre of Excellence for Automated Decision-Making and Society.