Seasonal Bloodlines: Artist Showcase by Colina Wymarra at The Atrium, UQ Brisbane City

Explore ‘Remote Artist Award’ Winner Colina Wymarra artist showcase at The Atrium, UQ Brisbane City, from the 9th – 16th of September 2024.
Artist Showcase Opening Hours: Monday – Friday, 7am – 7pm. Free entry.
Seasonal Bloodlines is a showcase of silks, ceramics and paintings that invites the viewer on a journey from the far east of the Torres Strait (Mer Island) to the rugged tip of Cape York. As a Gudang/Yadhaykenu Woman from Cape York and Dauareb/Komet Woman from Mer Island in the Torres Strait, Colina Wymarra's works capture the lore of seasons handed down to her through familial bloodlines with ancestral wisdom and cultural heritage. She shares this knowledge with a deep respect to these stories and connection to Country.
Colina shares, “what you may see when you visit my Country is not what I see. For example, you may come to my Country, Cape York, and see pristine beaches, and yet I see Dugong Hunting Season by the seaweed on the beach and a smell – a different smell emanating from the water.”
Colina Wymarra is the 'Remote Artist Award' winner of the Queensland Regional Art Awards (2023), hosted by Flying Arts Alliance Inc. and presented here by award sponsor, The University of Queensland.
This showcase coincides with Bloodlines, a solo exhibition by Colina Wymarra, Fri 6 - Fri 20 September, at the Judith Wright Art Centre.
Artist Biography:
Colina Wymarra was born on Thursday Island and is the daughter of Edward Wymarra (a Gudang Yadhaykenu Mam from Cape York) and Kaunur Wymarra (nee Maza, a Dauareb Komet Woman from Mer Island in the Torres Strait), she is now based in Cape York. Through her practice, Wymarra explores storytelling and her connection to Country, celebrating her people and the places she lives. She uses painting, ceramics and textiles to share these stories.
Colina’s artistic journey began at the age of nine, inspired by Albert Namatjira. Her work has been featured in the Summer Exhibition (2023), UMI Arts and Simon and Schulster, an international publishing house, selected her work for an upcoming book and Perspective, Queensland Regional Art Award (2023), Judith Wright Centre in Brisbane. Wymarra recently joined the Gab Titui Cultural Centre on Thursday Island as an artist.
Image: Courtesy of the artist.